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Resident Agents In Maryland

Resident Agent Service in Maryland.

The address of our Maryland resident agent office is on every page of this website. If you have been searching online for a resident agent in Maryland, we hope your search will be over.

We have a simple cost structure. You’ll pay $49 up front for 1 year of our resident agent service. From then on, you will receive an annual bill from us for $49 for each year of our resident agent service. We won’t bill you for anything else. Rest assured that you won’t get any extra charges on your credit card bill after hiring us to act as your Maryland resident agent.

An Affordable Price

Let me ask you this, have you ever found a really cheap price for something and then later found out that it was missing something, a clearance item, or didn’t include a crucial feature you wanted? Our prices are lower than most, but there are some cheaper resident agents out there… We actually receive change of agent orders on a regular basis from clients that used “cheaper” options. Over the course of a year, they found they wound up spending more than our standard every day price of $49 a year. Our pricing is enough to earn a living and stay in business, it’s enough to not have to try to up-sell you anything. Most importantly, it’s enough to keep our pricing strategy simple.

What do you get?

After you sign up, you will be logged immediately into your online account. In your client account, you will have access to all the same forms you’d find on the various Maryland governmental sites, except the forms are already pre-filled with our MD resident agent information. You will also find tips on how to make all sorts of filings with the state of Maryland.

You’ll also get everything you need to establish your online business presence. Our Maryland Business Presence Package lets you pick your business domain, and comes with a website and email address at that domain. Plus, we provide SSL service for website security. You’ll also have virtual phone service with a local number that you can use on your own device by simply going online or using our iOS or Android apps.

As your Maryland resident agent, we will receive your annual report and upload it to your online account. We send you an email notification and follow up emails reminding you to file the annual report. All you need to do is log in to your online account to view it.